Exams and Class Awards
RAD Exams
Around the world, RAD exams are recognised for their quality, and each year, nearly a quarter of a million candidates across the globe choose to take their dance exams with the RAD. The RAD’s examinations are part of an internationally acknowledged system of assessments, drawing on the research and academic practices of twenty awarding organisations. These organisations promote progressive mastery in music, dance, drama and musical theatre.
Students at Joanne Ward Dance Academy have opportunies to take both filmed exams, recorded locally in Hersham, and in-person exams at the Royal Academy of Dance headquarters in Battersea. The experience is rewarding and enjoyable for students.

IDTA Exams
The IDTA has developed a range of examinations suitable for all ages and levels of experience and achievement. The Association offers a wide variety of tests and awards for amateur / social dancers including Rosettes, Stardance Awards, Pre-juvenile Groups Awards, Preparatory and Primary Grades; plus a wide range of medal tests in many genres, from one dance through Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. For the medal tests and higher awards, the dances are choreographed by the teacher and build in length and complexity. The Association also offers social dance awards, and team awards.